Cercle Brugge vs Kilmarnock - UEFA Europa League - 2024-08-01

Cercle Brugge vs Kilmarnock Match Card

League UEFA Europa League
TV Channels
Time 18:00 GMT
Date 2024-08-01
Score 1 - 0

What time is the match Cercle Brugge vs Kilmarnock

Cercle Brugge vs Kilmarnock - UEFA Europa League :
22:00 PST
23:00 MST
18:00 GMT
24:00 CST
25:00 EST

What channels are broadcasting the match? Cercle Brugge and Kilmarnock?

You can follow the match between Cercle Brugge and Kilmarnock through multi-quality streaming links in various languages, exclusively on the Hesgoal TV website. The live broadcast of Cercle Brugge vs Kilmarnock is available as follows: